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RFID (Internet of Thing) based animal individual behavior intelligent identification technology and application in traceability

RFID (Internet stvari) tehnologija identifikacije individualnog ponašanja životinja i primjena u sljedivosti (REMALLOY)

Bilateralni kinesko – hrvatski projekt
Voditeljica na hrvatskoj strani izv. prof. Maja Matetić, na kineskoj prof. Zetian Fu
Trajanje: 2014-2016.


The world's largest producers of livestock, such as U.S, Brazil and China, have imposed RFID/IoT based identification and traceability as an obligation for producers. Food chain traceability will also become mandatory for Croatia, as it enters EU in July 2013. Animal individual behavior identification is one of foundational technologies in livestock traceability. The project expects to:

  • Initialize a China-Croatian network to ensure a permanent exchange of technical and scientific information about RFID/Internet of Things(IoT), object behavior identification, traceability technologies and intelligent information processing technologies.
  • Perform knowledge share and comparative analysis of the state-of-the-art intelligent information processing technologies for object behavior identification and tracking of different types of objects (e.g. animals, building security, etc.).
  • Integrate RFID/IoT and intelligent information processing technologies into developing innovative identification technologies for animal behavior and quality traceability to improve managerial precision and confidence of animal production process.

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