Senzorska tehnologija otisnuta na papiru i metode detekcije kvalitete kvarljive hrane u upravljanju i sljedivosti hladnog lanca
Bilateralni kinesko – hrvatski projekt Odjela za informatiku Sveučilišta u Rijeci u suradnji s partnerom: Agronomski fakultet Sveučilišta u Zagrebu
Voditeljica projekta za hrvatsku stranu doc. dr. sc. Marija Brkić Bakarić, za kinesku prof. FU Zetian, China Agricultural University (Yantai Campus / Yantai Institute), Shandong
Trajanje projekta: 2018.-2019.
The aim of the project is to develop a wireless smart sensor based on inkjet printing technology and high-frequency RFID technology to monitor selected perishable cold chain. The main objectives are the following:
- Development of the paper-based printed sensing technology. The wireless smart gas sensors will be developed based on inkjet printing and high-frequency RFID technology.
- Identification of characteristic gas of perishable food corruption (poultry and peaches) by the electronic nose technology or industrial sensors.
- Development of shelf life prediction model in cold chain based on the real time sensed data monitored from the developed sensors deployed in food packages.
- Design and development of the traceability platform.