- Upskilling and certification scheme for virtual educators – VirtualEdu (2022-1-RO01-KA220-000086331) (Web sjedište)
- Joint Mentorship: Better Cooperation for Better VET (Web sjedište)
Obzor Europa
- Strengthening the capacity for excellence of Slovenian and Croatian innovation ecosystems to support the digital and green transitions of maritime regions - INNO2MARE - prof. dr. sc. Marina Ivašić Kos (Web sjedište)
- ARiF - Bringing Digital Data and Reality together – Augmented Reality in Forestry, COST Action (CA23135), WP5 ARiF (Web sjedište)
Kompetitivno projektno financiranje iz Digital Europe Programme (Europska Unija) i Nacionalni plan oporavka i otpornosti (Ministarstvo gospodarstva)
- Europski digitalni centar za inovacije - EDIH Adria (Web sjedište)
- DIGITAL4Security – European Masters Programme in Cybersecurity Management & Data Sovereignty (Web sjedište)
- Prevođenje u dvojezičnim ustanovama u hrvatskoj i slovenskoj Istri – stanje i perspective - Translation in Bilingual Institutions in Croatian and Slovene Istria- State of the Art and PerspectivesPrevođenje u dvojezičnim ustanovama u hrvatskoj i slovenskoj Istri – stanje i perspective - Translation in Bilingual Institutions in Croatian and Slovene Istria- State of the Art and Perspectives (Web sjedište)
Suradnja s gospodarstvom
- Image-based AI-assisted diagnostics of canine ocular disease - AICODD, Animal Eye Consultants of Iowa, Iowa