Dr.sc.Maja Matetić

Izvanredni profesor

Sveučilište u Rijeci -
Odjel za informatiku

Omladinska 14, HR-51000 Rijeka, Croatia
Tel: +385 51 345 046 
Fax: +385 51 345 207

E-mail:  maja.matetic@ri.t-com.hr




Objavljeni radovi

1. Marina Čičin-Šain, Jasminka Lesica, Maja Rahelić (Matetić): "How to start teaching informatics?", Education and Application of Computer Technology,  Third book biennial meeting of the Community of Mediterranean Universities on Microcomputers and their applications - Sant Feliu de Guixols, Spain, September 10-14, 1990, pp. 501-511


2. Maja Matetić: "Kombinacija kvalitativne i numeričke simulacije dinamičnih sustava s primjenom u izradi programa za učenje", Zbornik konferencije MIPRO'94, Opatija, 1994, vol. MIS, pp. 3-32--3-37


3. Maja Matetić: “Kvalitativna analiza dinamičkih sustava pomoću ‘inteligentne’ numeričke simulacije”, Zbornik konferencije MIPRO’95, Opatija, 1995, vol. MIS, pp. 3-55—3-60 [doc]


4. Maja Matetić, Explaining Dynamic Systems by Combining Qualitative and Numerical Simulation, M.Sc. Thesis, Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, Ljubljana, 1995.,

Thesis supervisor:  Prof. Ivan Bratko, Ph.D.


5. Maja Matetić: ”Explaining dynamic systems by combining qualitative and numerical simulation”, Proceedings of the Fourth Electrotechnical and Computer Science Conference, ERK’95, Portorož, Slovenija, 25-27.09.1995, pp. 153-156,


6. Maja Matetić: “MARK - A Simulation System for Parameter Estimation in Simulation of Ecological Processes”, The 12th International Conference on Case Method Research and Case Method Application: Environmental Problem Solving - From Cases and Experiments to Concepts, Knowledge, Tools and Motivations, Maribor, Slovenia, November 12-15, 1995, Rainer Hampp Verlag, München, Mering, 1997 [doc]


7. Maja Matetić: “MARK - A simulation system for parameter estimation in simulation of dynamic systems”, Proceedings of the conference MIPRO’96, Opatija, 1996, vol. CIS, pp.2-45—2-50 [doc]


8. Maja Matetić: “Developments Towards Constraining Qualitative Simulation”, Proceedings of the conference MIPRO’97, Opatija, 1997, vol. CTS and CIS, pp.3-13—3-16


9. Maja Matetić: “How to Constrain Qualitative Simulation?”, Proceedings of the Sixth Electrotechnical and Computer Science Conference, ERK’97, Portorož, Slovenija, 25-27.09.1997, pp. 141-144 [doc]


10. Maja Matetić: "Qualitative Modeling of Object Behaviour in the Dynamic Vision System", Proceedings of the conference MIPRO 2001, Opatija, 2001,vol.CBSE+CTS+CIS, pp.14-19 [pdf]


11. Maja Matetić, Slobodan Ribarić: "Qualitative Modelling and Reasoning About Object Beaviour in the Dynamic Vision System", Proceedings of the tenth Electrotechnical and Computer Science Conference ERK 2001, 24-26 September 2001, Portorož, Slovenia, Volume B, pp. 293-296 [doc]


12.  Maja Matetić, Slobodan Ribarić: "Qualitative Modelling Of Object Behaviour In The Dynamic Vision System Using Hidden Markov Models", Proceedings of the 11th Mediterranean Electrotechnical Conference MELECON 2002, May 7-9 2002, Cairo, Egypt, pp.570-574. [doc]


13. Maja Matetić, Slobodan Ribarić: "Conceptual Clustering of Object Behaviour in the Dynamic Vision System Based on Qualitative Spatio -Temporal Model", Proceedings of MIPRO 2002 conference, section CIS, Opatija 2002, pp. 15-20. [doc]


14.  Maja Matetić, Slobodan Ribarić: "A System for the Behaviour Analysis of Laboratory Animal Based on Qualitative Modelling", Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Intelligent Engineering Systems INES, Opatija 2002, pp. 273-278. [pdf]


15. Maja Matetić, Slobodan Ribarić, Ivo Ipšić: "LABAQM - A System for Qualitative Modelling and Analysis of Animal Behaviour", Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Information and Intelligent Systems IIS, Varaždin 2002, pp. 267-278. [doc]


16. Maja Matetić: "Kvalitativno modeliranje i zaključivanje o ponašanju objekata u sustavu dinamičkog vida", Doktorska disertacija, Fakultet elektrotehnike i računarstva Sveučilišta u Zagrebu, 2002.

Thesis supervisor: Prof. Slobodan Ribarić, Ph.D.


17. Maja Matetić, Slobodan Ribarić, Ivo Ipšić: LABAQM -A System for Qualitative Modelling and Analysis of Animal Behaviour, Journal of Information and Organizational Sciences, Vol.26, No.1-2, pp. 85-98, 2002, Faculty of Organization and Informatics, Varaždin [doc]


18. Maja Matetić, Slobodan Ribarić, Ivo Ipšić: Qualitative Modelling and Analysis of Animal Behaviour, Applied Intelligence Journal 21, pp. 25-44, Kluwer Academic Publishers 2004. [pdf]


19. Brkić, M., Matetić, M.: "A State-of-the-Art Technique in Semantic Analysis of Natural Language Utterances", Proceedings of the conference MIPRO'07, Opatija, 2007, Vol. III. CTS and CIS, pp. 162-166


20. Ipšić, I., Matetić, M., Martinčić-Ipšić, S., Meštrović, A., Brkić, M.: "Croatian Speech Technologies", Proceedings of the conference ELMAR'07, Zadar, 2007


21. Brkić, M., Matetić, M.: "Modeling Natural Language Dialogue for Croatian Weather Forecast System", Proceedings of the 18th International Conference on Information and Intelligent Systems, Varaždin, 2007, pp. 391-396


22. Brkić, M., Matetić, M.: "Preparation for POS tagging of Croatian weather forecast domain", Proceedings of the 31st International Convention MIPRO 2008, Vol. III, CTS and CIS, Opatija, 2008, pp. 228-232


23. Brkić, M., Matetić, M.: "VoiceXML for Slavic languages application development", Conference on Human System Interaction HSI'08, Krakow, Poland, 25-27.05.2008.

24. Brkic, M., Matetic, M., Jugo, I.: "Corpora Building and Processing", HSI'09 2nd International Conference on Human System Interaction , Lo Bello, Lucia, Iannizzotto, Giancarlo, editors, 2009. 251-254, Catania, Italy


25. Trošelj, M., Matetić, M., Grgurić,G.(The Richard Stockton College of New Jersey, USA): "Building an Expert System Module for World Ocean Thermocline Analysis: Thermocline Qualitative Modeling", Proceedings of the 32nd International conference MIPRO'09, Opatija, 2009, Vol. CTS and CIS, pp. 249. -254.   


26. Blažeković, D., Matetić, M., Brkić, M.: "Automatic Building of a Dictionary of Technical Terms and Collocations Based on AVL Tree", Proceedings of the 32nd International conference MIPRO'09, Opatija, 2009, Vol. CTS and CIS, pp. 324. - 327.

CROSBI bibliografija


Vođenje diplomskih i završnih radova:

Diplomski radovi:

o       Marija Brkić: " Semantička analiza jezičnog ulaza u dijalogu čovjeka i računala", Filozofski fakultet, Sveučilište u Rijeci, rujan 2006.

o       Davor Blažeković: "Rječnik stručnih pojmova  temeljen na AVL stablu", Tehnički fakultet, Sveučilište u Rijeci, studeni 2008.


Završni radovi: